Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two Things

Two names you go by: Carrie, mom

Two things you are wearing right now: Shirt, skirt

Two of your favorite things to do: read, go on walks

Two things you want very badly at the moment: a housekeeper, a skinny body (I guess I should have said will power)

Two favorite pets you  have had: My first dog PeeWee and my dog now, Zac

Two people who will fill this out: I have no clue

Two things you did last night: watched a movie with my kids, did some of my schoolwork

Two things you ate today: I haven't eaten yet but I had coffee and tea

Two people you last talked to: My mom and Chloe

Two things you're doing tomorrow: going to church, going to a birthday party

Two longest trips you've taken in the past five years: One trip where I went to Indiana for a wedding and stayed a few days, drove to Mississippi to see family and stayed a few days, drove to Louisiana to see family for a few days, went back to Mississippi for a few more days, and then back home. The other trip was about a week On Mackinac Island.

Two favorite holidays: Thanksgiving and Christmas

Two favorite beverages: Sweet Tea and Pepsi

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