Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today was pretty eventful!  Well actually most of the day was uneventful but the end of the day made up for the rest.  I woke up this morning to thunderstorms (I really hate like rain) but it only lasted until like 10am.  The weather channel kept saying that it was coming back but for most of the day it stayed away.  Then all of a sudden at around 5:30 or so the sky decided to open up and explode on us!  The rain wasn't just falling, it was so windy that the rain looked like it was going sideways!  That only lasted for about thirty minutes and then it cleared up like it hadn't even been raining at all.  Weird.  So we went to get dinner and while we were out we heard that it was supposed to get bad again so we hurried up and got out of there.  Just as we pulled up to the apartment that we're staying at here it started to rain a little.  We were inside for just a few minutes and then it started...the sky got black, the rain got worse, the hail came, and then the tornado sirens.  Not fun stuff.  We turned the news on and learned that there were tornadoes, big ones, headed straight for us!  I am not a fan of tornadoes.  The nastiness outside lasted for what seemed like forever and areas all around us got pretty messed up but we were passed by.  Whew!  I am so glad it is over now.  I stayed calm on the outside for the kids but I was shaking in my shoes inside!  The kids were a little scared and asked if we can go home a day early! Lol!  Mark didn't agree but I was all for leaving ASAP!  The weather cleared up and all was good after that :)


  1. I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, kids don't like thunderstorms...Daniel

  2. Thank You Daniel :) The kids didn't act as scared as I thought they would be. I was pretty proud of them!
