Sunday, February 26, 2012

I think I can, I think I can...

I have been working pretty hard to lose weight and I have to say that I'm not doing too shabby!  I have lost about 15-20 lbs since Christmas but I am far from being done.  I seem to do really good for a little while and then I get all emotional and since I am an emotional eater (excuses, excuses) I cheat, and cheat, and cheat.  I'll lose 3 lbs and gain one back, lose 5 lbs and gain 2-3 back, and so on and so on.  What a bad cycle but at least I am losing more than I'm gaining!  Here's the thing though, I have hit a wall.  I am stuck at this weight ??? lbs (like I'm really gonna tell you how much I weigh) and I can't seem to lose!  Granted, the snack cakes aren't really helping but I have cut back.  Any have any advice they can give me? Anyone?  Helloooo!!! Is anyone out there?  I need help ya'll!  I need some motivation, tips, and maybe a few "You can do it" 's!  Meanwhile, I'll try to muster up the will power to stay away from the snack cakes.  It's just so hard.... They're right in the cabinet... Calling for me!  They're technically supposed to be for my kid's lunches but what can I do when they are calling my name?

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