Monday, December 15, 2014

Scriptures, Quotes, and Blessings Journal

     I recently read a blog where the blogger posted about her Journaling Bible.  I love it and I want one now!  It is definitely on my list of must-haves.  I had never even heard of a Journaling Bible before but I really love the thought of it.

     One thing that I have been doing for quite a while now is writing some of my favorite scriptures, quotes, and blessings (things that happen in my life that make me happy, special memories, and blessings that God has given to me) in a journal.  I love that whenever I am having a "down day" I can open up my journal and be remind of God's many blessings and just how awesome He is!

It isn't anything fancy but it works out well for me and it makes me happy. 

     Back in July, I bought one of my nieces a journal and some cute, fancy pens for her birthday.  I picked some of my favorite scriptures and quotes and started one for her.  The best part is that she had already been posting several of her favorite scriptures on Facebook so I was able to put them in her journal.

      I still plan on getting a Journaling Bible some day but I plan on keeping up with my Blessings Journal too.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

So Many Books, So Little Time

Every year starting around Thanksgiving, I like to read several Christmas books.  I usually read at least half a dozen or so by Christmas day.  Well, here it is December 11th and I still haven't read any!  I have let myself get too busy and/or distracted with other things and I'm letting this Christmas season get away from me!  I seriously have bought 3 books (one of which is actually 3 books in one, so I guess I have 6 books) and several Christmas books downloaded to ibooks.  I'm running out of time!  I'm going to have to just make myself sit down and read or I'm going to be so frustrated with myself after Christmas.

On another note,  I gave my kids one of their presents early last Wednesday night! Lol!  They didn't exactly know that it was supposed to be a Christmas gift though.  Every year I buy both of my kids a new board game each.  It has kind of become a tradition.  Well, I was just really in the mood to play a board game with them Wednesday night so I grabbed one and went to them and asked if they'd like to play! I just told them that I had bought it earlier that day but didn't mention that it was supposed to be for Christmas.  I now have to buy a replacement game for Chloe but it was worth it :)  We had a fun time playing it!

Well, I think I'm going to get going and read a little bit!  Wish me luck!  I'm so sleepy right now and reading sometimes makes me fall asleep!  Talk to you later!

Friday, December 5, 2014

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

     It's almost Christmas!  Such an exciting time of the year!  It can also be a very stressful time of year.   All of the decorating, shopping, preparing for visitors, and so much more.  I'm doing my best to stay relaxed and not let the stresses get to me this year.

     I took my Christmas tree out last Monday night and got it all set up and plugged it in to find that the entire middle and part of the top no longer work.  I tried everything I could think of and it still wouldn't work so I went out the next morning and bought a new one!  It is now all set up and my house is slowly starting to look like Christmas!  I have been working on a few Christmas crafts/decorations to put around the house too!  It's kind of a stress reliever for me.  I love getting crafty!

Here's my Living Room Tree 

My Family Room decorations

One of my Christmas crafts

Another Christmas Craft

     I was hoping to get some more painting in this week but Chloe ended up having some major issues at school and then the poor thing ended up with a horrible stomach virus!  I'll have to write a whole separate blog post about the school drama some other time!  But anyways,  she is starting to feel better today so maybe I'll get to paint a little tonight.  If not, no biggie! I'll get to it next week!

     I did some online Christmas shopping yesterday!  I love checking things off of my list!  However, I still have so much to do!  There are so many people to buy for but I know it will come together.  It always does.  It does seem to get a little harder every year though.  Things get more and more expensive with each year and people seem to be harder to buy for too!  I love thoughtful, unique gifts but not everyone on my list of people to buy for feels the same.  People tend to ask for gift cards or money nowadays but I prefer giving actual gifts.  It's different if you won't actually get to see the person so you have to send something (Cards are cheaper to send than a big box), but if you are actually getting together and exchanging gifts, I like giving real presents.  There are some neat boutiques here in town that have unique things so I'm hoping to find some good gifts at those places.  

     Well, I hope everyone gets to enjoy this wonderful time of the year!  Get your decorating, shopping, and preparing done and make sure you don't forget the real reason for this awesome season!

What a Difference Two Years Makes!

Yes, it's been two LONG years since I have written anything here.  I know, I know... I promised! I won't make any excuses.  I'll just say that life happens.  Anyways, let's do another catch up blog!

The biggest thing that has happened in our lives is that we moved again!  We are now in Tennessee!  Mark is now the pastor of a wonderful church here so that makes me the.... *drum roll here* Pastor's wife!  It's a new adventure for me and I'm praying that I am able to be what the church needs me to be.

Along with my new role as Pastor's wife, I have also taken on the role of Sunday School coordinator and one of the teachers.  When we took the church they were not having Sunday school so we started it back up the first Sunday of November.  It's been going great!  I'm ready for more kids to start coming!  We'll need more teachers too but I know they're on their way!

Now let's talk about my kids!  Noah is 15 now....I'm getting so old!  He is in 10th grade and he has his driver's permit.  He is such an amazing kid!  So sweet and helpful.  He's honestly not your typical teenage boy.  He's very thoughtful and loving, so smart and so talented!  My boy is an awesome drummer and he's learning the bass and guitar too!  I just love this boy like crazy!

Chloe just turned 12 and is in the 6th grade!  She's beautiful, sweet, smart, and talented!  She is loving and kind and boy can she sing!  This girl of mine has a YouTube channel and has over 700 subscribers and some of her videos have over 50,000 views!  She does all of her own editing and is amazing at it.  She does things on that program that I have no clue how to do!  I absolutely love my baby girl!

I've done a few quilts and other sewing projects since my last blog.  Here are a few of them.

Lately I've been more into painting.  I absolutely love painting!  It's my new favorite thing :)  Here are a few of my newest paintings.

I was also recently hired to paint the windows at a local Christian book store for Christmas.  It was such a blast!

Well, it's been fun but it's getting late.  I'll do my best to post more often.  I'm not making any promises this time because, well, that hasn't worked in my favor so far!  However, I really will try to post more often :)